Webinar ‘Awareness Training’
Geplaatst op: 26 September 2024
Meld je aan voor ons webinar op dinsdag 12 november om 09:30 uur door het formulier op deze pagina in te vullen.
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“We guide you to a safe tomorrow”
~ Marcel Krommenhoek
Dinsdag 12 november om 09:30 uur
Awareness Training
Waar gaan we het over hebben?
Het belang van oplettendheid onder werknemers wordt vaak onderschat. Maar wist je dat 95% van alle bedrijfsmatige cyber aanvallen starten bij de onoplettendheid en onwetendheid van werknemers van het bedrijf? In het webinar leggen we uit wat een Awareness Training is, wat een training inhoud en waarom het zo ontzettend belangrijk is.
Meld je dus direct aan en bereid jezelf én je werknemers goed voor zodat je cyber aanvallen weet te voorkomen.

Because preparation is key
Geplaatst op: 22 March 2024
Cyber security incident management involves a structured process of detecting, analysing, responding to and recovering from security incidents. The main goal is to minimize the impact of attacks and quickly restore to a normal operational state. The process includes detection, evaluation, containment, forensic investigation and implementation of improvements to prevent future incidents.
Proactive planning and response to cyber incidents within the organization
Proactively planning the response to cyber incidents is crucial to minimize their impact within the organization. This includes identifying potential cyber threats and vulnerabilities, creating a response plan with clear roles and responsibilities for different teams. How to communicate internally should be considered, but certainly also how to communicate externally. Regular training and exercises to ensure that all involved know how to act in the event of a cyber incident is also an important part. Through this preparation, organizations can strengthen their resilience to cyber threats and ensure a quick and effective response when an incident occurs.
The crucial role of incident management in cyber security
Incident management is an essential part of cyber security where organizations are assisted in detecting, responding and recovering from cyber incidents. Here are some of the benefits of incident management in the context of cyber security:
- Fast detection: Effective incident management allows organizations to quickly identify potential security incidents using automated tools, monitoring systems and threat intelligence.
- Rapid response: An incident management plan enables organizations to respond quickly to cyber incidents, limit the damage and prevent further spread of the attack.
- Minimal impact: Incident management helps minimize the impact of a security breach through a systematic approach to identify, contain and recover from the incident.
- Reducing downtime: A well-executed incident management plan can minimize downtime due to a security breach, allowing the organisation to return to normal operations faster.
- Reputation preservation: Cyber security incidents can seriously damage an organization’s reputation. Incident management helps organizations respond proactively and effectively to incidents, which can help maintain their reputation and customer trust.
- Regulatory compliance: Many regulations require organizations to have a robust incident management plan. Implementing such a plan can help organizations comply with regulations.
Incident management is a fundamental part of cyber security that supports organizations in preparing for, detecting and responding to security incidents. It allows organizations to mitigate the consequences of such incidents and act effectively.
Optimizing incident management in cyber security: collaboration, training and continuous improvement
Collaboration and coordination for effective incident management: Effective incident management requires seamless collaboration and coordination between various teams including IT, security, communications, legal and human resources. Clear roles, responsibilities, communication channels and escalation procedures are essential to ensure an efficient incident response.
Involvement of relevant department: When creating cyber incident response plans, it is crucial to involve relevant stakeholders, including IT security staff, legal and HR personnel, PR representatives, and suppliers/vendors.
Right connections for effective incident management: For effective incident management, it is important to integrate incident response plans with disaster recovery, business continuity and crisis management plans, and to have the necessary capabilities in place.
Clear roles and responsibilities: Everyone’s roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined and understood, with appropriate training for those involved. Specific individuals or incident managers should be designated and authorized to manage incidents with clear terms of reference for decision-making.
Detection methods and reporting: Methods of detection such as logging and monitoring, staff or third-party reporting and escalation criteria should be precisely defined.
Regular tabletop exercises: Regular tabletop exercises include simulated scenarios in which the response team discusses their roles and responsibilities and the steps they would take to manage the incident. These exercises help identify gaps in the plan and promote communication and cooperation among team members.
Simulation training for realistic testing: Simulation training mimics real incidents and allows the response team to test their capabilities and processes in a realistic environment. This can identify areas for improvement in the plan.
Supplier and partner involvement: Given possible third-party involvement in cyber security incidents, it is important to include suppliers and partners in the response plan exercises. This ensures awareness of the plan and effective actions by all involved.
Documentation of results and continuous improvement: Documenting results for each exercise facilitates identification of areas for improvement and records progress. Use these insights to continuously improve and update the response plan in line with new threats and risks.
Importance of incident management for business continuity
Essentially, incident management is an indispensable process for any organization looking to reduce the impact of disruptions and ensure business continuity. By being prepared, having a plan and executing it effectively, organizations can respond to incidents quickly and effectively, minimizing the impact on operations and reputation.
the OpenSight 10 new year’s cyber security resolutions
During the OpenSight 10 new year’s cyber security resolutions, we will publish a blog each week about each of the ten resolutions as listed below:
- The company’s digital assets.
- Are my colleagues engaged and aware of cyber security?
- Are our company assets under control?
- Architecture focused on security and the business.
- How to keep vulnerability management in order?
- Who’s that? And what is he doing here?
- How do we protect digital assets?
- Is this normal behavior and does it happen more often?
- Preparation is key!
- Is there a weak link in my supply chain?
With these 10 new year’s resolutions, we at OpenSight hope to give you some insight regarding the ten steps you could take to decrease the chance and impact of an incident.
Want to know more?
Be sure to keep an eye on our blogs where, following these Cyber Security resolutions for 2024, we will cover all 10 topics in detail. Follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to know about all our updates!
Are my colleagues engaged and aware of cyber security?
Geplaatst op: 29 January 2024
Joint engagement and training efforts are the first line of defense against cyber threats for organizations. Educating employees on the latest threats and best practices can reduce the risk of cyber attacks while minimizing potential incidents.
An effective cyber security strategy places people at the center, with security measures developed collaboratively to meet the practical needs of the organization. Fostering a positive cyber security culture, where employees are active participants and hub input is valued, ensures the prevention and detection of security incidents.
By providing staff with the necessary skills and knowledge through awareness programs, engagement and training, an organization demonstrates commitment to the well-being of its employees and emphasizes their value to the organization. This not only protects the company, but also strengthens employee loyalty and increases the overall value of the organization.
Why are engagement and training crucial in cyber security?
Engagement in cyber security includes creating awareness among employees and users about their role in cyber security, the associated risks and threats, and the steps they can take to protect both themselves and the organization. Fostering a cyber security culture encourages employees to be more observant and cautious when handling sensitive data and using technology.
Cyber security training is essential to equip employees with the knowledge and skills needed to recognise, prevent and respond to cyber threats. It helps employees understand best practices for securing their devices, passwords and online activities, as well as how to respond to incidents such as data breaches or cyber attacks.
The benefits of engagement and training in cyber security are manifold
- Improves awareness of cyber security: Regular training increases employees’ awareness of cyber security risks and threats, enabling them to prevent or report suspicious activity. This results in alert employees and thus better security.
- Less risk of cyber Attacks: Engaged and trained employees reduce the likelihood of cyber attacks through faster recognition and reporting of security incidents. Implementation of best practices, such as strong passwords and two-factor authentication, helps reduce the risk of successful attacks.
- Improved incident response: Well-trained employees respond more effectively to cyber security incidents, reducing impact and shortening recovery time. Working together to prevent recurrence improves overall response and recovery from incidents.
- Early detection of security incidents: Employees who feel safe to report problems can detect incidents early, minimizing the impact and preventing escalation.
- Improved organizational effectiveness: A safe environment encourages openness, which leads to better decision-making and innovation, thus improving the overall effectiveness and competitiveness of the organization.
- Increased trust and loyalty: An environment where employees feel valued results in increased trust and loyalty. This contributes to job satisfaction, higher productivity and less employee turnover.
In short, creating a secure and open work environment, where employees can report incidents and come up with new ideas, promotes early detection of security incidents, improved organizational effectiveness and increased trust and loyalty to the organization. This helps achieve the goals of engagement and training in cyber security.
Strategies for engagement and training in cyber security can increase success of initiatives
Here are some key strategies:
- Alignment with different learning styles: Offer training and engagement activities that fit various learning styles. Use various methods such as hands-on activities, visual aids and interactive discussions to meet the needs of all employees.
- Encourage interactivity: Make training sessions interactive to encourage participation and engagement. Use group activities, scenario-based exercises and quizzes to make the learning experience engaging and participatory.
- Promote continuous learning: Given the constant evolution of cyber threats, it is essential to provide continuous learning opportunities. Make sure employees stay informed of the latest threats and best practices such as AI.
- Use of realistic scenarios: Make training more relevant by using real-life scenarios. This helps employees understand how cyber attacks can affect their work and the organization, increasing their motivation to take cyber security seriously.
- Encourage accountability: Hold employees accountable by setting clear expectations and evaluating their progress regularly. Assess the effectiveness of training and engagement initiatives and provide constructive feedback to employees.
- Role of executives in cyber security: To promote a strong cyber security culture within an organization, it is vital to emphasize the role of senior leaders. These leaders serve as role models through their behavior. When senior leaders prioritize compliance with security policies and processes without exceptions for themselves, it is made clear that cyber security is a top priority. As role models for the organization, they help establish a culture of responsibility and commitment to cyber security.
- Taking sufficient time for the visible effects of awareness campaigns: Give awareness campaigns time to have impact. Analyze not only immediate results, but also appreciate the long-term effects.
Standing strong together
Organizations can effectively address cyber threats by engaging and training employees. Raising awareness about recent threats and best practices reduces the risk of cyber attacks and minimizes damage. A positive cyber security culture, combined with training, leads to improved awareness, reduced risk, improved response and early detection. Strategies include diverse learning methods, interactivity and continuous education. Leaders play a crucial role as role models. It is important to allow sufficient time for visible effects of awareness campaigns and align messages with staff and organization. A safe working environment contributes to the success of engagement and training in cyber security.
the OpenSight 10 new year’s cyber security resolutions
During the OpenSight 10 new year’s cyber security resolutions, we will publish a blog each week about each of the ten resolutions as listed below:
- The company’s digital assets.
- Are my colleagues engaged and aware of cyber security?
- Are our company assets under control?
- Architecture focused on security and the business.
- How to keep vulnerability management in order?
- Who’s that? And what is he doing here?
- How do we protect digital assets?
- Is this normal behavior and does it happen more often?
- Preparation is key!
- Is there a weak link in my supply chain?
With these 10 new year’s resolutions, we at OpenSight hope to give you some insight regarding the ten steps you could take to decrease the chance and impact of an incident.
Want to know more?
Be sure to keep an eye on our blogs where, following these Cyber Security resolutions for 2024, we will cover all 10 topics in detail. Follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to know about all our updates!
developments concerning NIS2
Geplaatst op: 29 January 2024
The NIS2 Directive is a European Union initiative that aims to improve cybersecurity and the resilience of essential services in EU member states. This directive is an extension of the earlier NIS directive and covers more sectors, sets stricter security standards and introduces incident reporting requirements. No surprise, then, that it has become a major topic in many a board meeting.
Most important developments:
- Comprehensive sectoral coverage:
The NIS2 directive will apply to industries and organizations vital to society such as healthcare, transportation, energy providers, government services, food, water management companies and digital providers. - Obligations and supervision:
Within the NIS2 Directive, entities are required to conduct a risk assessment and, based on that assessment, take appropriate measures to protect their services and information. Incidents that (may) significantly disrupt services must be reported to the supervisor within 24 hours. The NIS2 Directive also provides for monitoring of compliance with its obligations by an independent regulator. - Transition to national legislation:
The EU has adopted the NIS2 directive and it is now being translated into Dutch law, with details being worked out about which organizations are covered and what the exact obligations will be.
Information sessions and preparation
OpenSight organizes several information sessions that take a deeper look at how the legislation fits together and how it corresponds to other frameworks such as BIO, ISO27001, NEN7510 and NIST. The obligations of the NIS2 directive are largely aligned with existing information security frameworks, which provides an interesting point of reference. OpenSight will begin hosting this session in the first quarter of the new year. Want to receive an invitation when the date of this session is known?
Click here to submit your interest!
From our experience in implementing frameworks, it is good to begin preparations in a timely manner. It takes an average organization about 12 months to implement a new framework to the point where it works well and is part of its daily operations.
NIS2 obligations
The NIS2 Directive imposes several obligations on entities to strengthen cyber security and resilience of essential services in EU member states. A core obligation is the duty of care, which requires entities to conduct their own risk assessment and, based on that assessment, take appropriate measures to safeguard their services as much as possible and protect the information used.
It further introduces a reporting duty for incidents. Entities must report incidents that (may) significantly disrupt the provision of the essential service to the supervisor within 24 hours. Cyber incidents must also be reported to the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), which can then provide help and assistance. The factors that make an incident reportable include, for example, the number of people affected by the disruption, the duration of a disruption and the potential financial losses.
Finally, the NIS2 Directive requires oversight of covered organizations. An independent supervisor will be appointed to monitor compliance with the directive’s obligations, such as the duty of care and notification. The exact details of oversight, including which regulator will be responsible for the government sector, are still being determined, with the intention of using existing accountability structures and seeking to harmonize them.
NIS2 brochure
Detailed information about NIS2 can be found in our NIS2 brochure. It can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Assessment Services: Quick insight into your cyber security
Geplaatst op: 24 January 2024
Cybersecurity is essential, but it is difficult to determine which investments will have the biggest impact on your organisation. OpenSight provides assessments and audits to understand your security status:
OpenSight’s quick scan provides quick and thorough insight into security status with a focus on the top 20 critical security controls according to industry standards. The aim is to identify potential vulnerabilities for immediate improvements. The benefits are a fast, efficient scan focusing on critical security aspects and proactive identification of weaknesses.

Security Audit
Strengthen cybersecurity with a comprehensive audit that reveals potential weaknesses and emerging threats. This assessment provides accurate risk assessment for prioritisation, ensures compliance with cybersecurity laws and regulations, strengthens security layers by addressing vulnerabilities, and fosters a proactive cybersecurity culture. Results serve to guide future planning and investment in a robust long-term security strategy, without compromising data integrity.
Security awareness
Increase resilience against cyber threats by raising staff awareness of cybersecurity. Vulnerability identification and training prevent human error, show ernesty in cybersecurity and strengthen stakeholder trust. It is a wise business investment to protect the organisation.
Assessment Services brochure
Find out how OpenSight can help with assessment services. Contact us or download the brochure at the bottom of this page to find out more.
Supply chain security: a critical aspect of cyber security
Geplaatst op: 24 January 2024
Supply chain security is a critical aspect of cyber security that companies cannot overlook. In the today’s world the Supply Chain forms a complex network of interconnected systems, technologies and partners. This complexity makes it vulnerable to cyberattacks, with serious consequences for companies, such as loss of sensitive information, intellectual property and financial loss.
In this blog, we will explore the importance of supply chain security to cyber security, the risks associated with supply chain attacks and the measures companies can take to strengthen supply chain security.
Associated risks
Supply Chain attacks are becoming increasingly more common and pose a serious threat to businesses. These attacks target a company’s supply chain partners such as suppliers, subcontractors or third-party service providers to gain access to their systems and data. Once the attacker has gained access to the partner’s systems, it can be used to penetrate the target company’s systems and steal sensitive data or disrupt business operations.
The consequences can be disastrous, for example:
- Data Theft: Cybercriminals can steal sensitive information, such as customer information, trade secrets and intellectual property, also from partners, which can lead to considerable financial and reputational damage.
- Ransomware attacks: Hackers can install ransomware on the supply chain partner’s systems encrypting data and demanding a ransom for release. If the business depends on this partner to function, the ransomware attack can cause significant disruptions.
- Interruption of operations: Cyber attacks on partners can lead to interruptions of business, which can result in considerable financial and reputational damage.

The Importance of Supply Chain Security for cyber security
Supply Chain Security is an essential part of cyber security because it involves securing the entire ecosystem of suppliers, partners and vendors on which a company depends for its business operations. A cyber attack on one of these partners can have far-reaching consequences such as loss of customer information, reputational damage and legal responsibility. Moreover, many companies are now using cloud-based services, which increases the risk of cyberattacks on the supply chain. Since cloud service providers are responsible for managing the infrastructure, data and applications, a security incident in their systems could potentially affect all businesses that depend on their services.
The advantages of Supply Chain Security
By taking a proactive approach to supply chain security, companies can effectively manage the risks that can affect them. This includes building stronger relationships with suppliers and partners, and developing a clear understanding of each other’s security needs and responsibilities. As a result, companies can gain better visibility into early warning signs of potential incidents that could affect the organization and identify possible dependencies on a few suppliers. With effective cyber security, companies are also able to increase their chances of winning supplier contracts, particularly those from the government where security requirements are often mandatory. By implementing a robust security framework and regularly assessing and auditing supply chain partners, companies can ensure that they and their partners are meeting required security standards. This can help build trust with customers and stakeholders while reducing the risks associated with supply chain attacks.
Measures to strengthen the security of the Supply Chain
To improve the Supply Chain security, companies can take the following measures:
- Perform a risk assessment. Companies must identify and assess the risks associated with their supply chain partners. In doing so, they should evaluate security measures, vulnerabilities and potential impact on business operations.
- Implement a security framework: Companies should establish a security framework that sets standards for supply chain partners. This framework should include requirements for access management, incident response and security awareness training.
- Monitor Supply Chain partners: companies should regularly monitor their Supply Chain partners for security breaches and anomalies. To do so, they must also establish a process for reporting and responding to security incidents.
- Conduct regular audits: Companies should conduct regular audits of supply chain partners to ensure they are adhering to the established security framework. These audits should include vulnerability assessments and penetration testing.
- Consider cyber insurance: Cyber insurance can provide a company with financial protection in the event of a cyberattack on supply chain partners. This insurance can cover the cost of data recovery, legal fees and reputational damage.
Collaboration is Key
In short, Supply Chain Security is a critical aspect of cyber security and shouldn’t be overlooked. With the increasing complexity of the Supply Chain ecosystem and the and rise of cloud-based services, the risk of cyber attacks on the Supply Chain is greater than ever. By implementing a robust security framework, monitoring Supply Chain partners, and conducting regular audits, companies can strengthen the Supply Chain security and protect themselves against the devastating effects of Supply Chain attacks.
OpenSight Summer Series
During the OpenSight Summer Series, we publish weekly blogs that elaborate on the following topics:
- Risk management
- Engagement and training
- Asset management
- Architecture and configuration
- Vulnerability management
- Identity and access management
- Information security
- Logging and monitoring
- Incident management
- Supply chain security
By implementing the security measures outlined in these 10 steps, organizations can reduce the likelihood of cyberattacks and reduce the impact of potential incidents. Learn more about the OpenSight Summer Series here!
Incident Management: How to respond to and mitigate disruptions
Geplaatst op: 18 January 2024
Incident management for cyber security is the structured process of detecting, analyzing, responding to and recovering from cyber security incidents. The goal is to minimalize the impact of attacks and to be able to recover quickly. This includes detection, evaluation, monitoring, forensics and improvements to prevent future incidents.
Why is it advisable to plan the response to cyber incidents in advance?
Pre-planning the response to cyber incidents is essential to minimize the impact of such incidents in the organization. This includes the identification of potential cyber threats and vulnerabilities, the development of a response plan outlining the roles and responsibilities of the various teams, the establishment of communication channels, and the regular training and practice sessions to make sure everyone knows what to do in case of a cyber security incident. By planning ahead, organizations can improve resilience to cyber threats and ensure a quick and effective response when an incident occurs.

Benefits of incident management in cyber security
Incident Management is a crucial aspect of cyber security and helps organizations detect, respond and recover from cyber incidents. Here are some of the benefits of incident management:
- Quick solution: Effective incident management allows organizations to quickly identify potential security incidents using automated tools, monitoring systems and threat intelligence.
- Rapid response: With an incident management plan, organizations can respond quickly to cyber incidents, limit the damage and prevent further spread of the attack.
- Minimizes the impact: Incident management helps minimize the impact of a security breach through a systematic approach to identify, contain and recover from the incident.
- Reduces downtime: A well-executed incident management plan can minimize downtime due to a security breach and ensure that the organization ca return to normal operations more quickly.
- Maintains reputation: Cyber security incidents can have a devastating effect on the reputation of an organization. Incident management helps organization to react proactively and effectively on incidents, which can help maintain their reputation and retain customer trust.
- Regulatory compliance: Many regulations require organizations to have a robust incident management plan. Implementing an incident management plan can help organizations comply with regulations.
Incident management is an essential aspect of cyber security that can help organizations prepare for cyber security incidents and help with detecting of and responding to threats and vulnerabilities. It allows organizations to minimize the effects of a security breach, to protect their reputation and to comply with regulations.
Guidelines for organizations for incident management
- Co-operation and co-ordination: Effective incident management requires co-operation and co-ordination between various teams such as, IT, Security, Communication, Legal department and HR. It is also essential to have clear roles and responsibilities, communication channels and escalation procedures to ensure a smooth and efficient incident response.
- Involvement of the relevant department: When creating cyber incident response plans, it’s crucial to involve the right people, including security personnel, legal department and HR personnel, PR representatives and suppliers/vendors.
- Right connections: For effective incident management, it is important to link incident response plans with disaster recovery, business continuity and crisis management plans, and to have the necessary capabilities in place.
- Clear roles and responsibilities: Everyone’s roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined and understood, and they should receive appropriate training. Specific individuals or incident responders should be designated and authorized to manage incidents, with clear job descriptions for decision-making.
- Detection methods: Logging, monitoring, reports of employees or third parties and escalation criteria need to be established.
- Conduct regular tabletop exercises: Tabletop exercises involve a simulated scenario in which members of the response team discuss their roles and responsibilities and the steps they would take to manage the incident. This type of exercise helps identify gaps in the plan and improves communication and cooperation among team members.
- Conduct simulation training: Simulation training exercises mimic a real incident and allow the response team to test their capabilities and processes in a realistic environment. This type of exercise helps refine the plan and identify areas that need improvement.
- Involve suppliers and third parties: Suppliers and third parties can be involved in cyber security incident, so it’s important to also involve them in the simulation training and exercises. This ensures that everyone involved in managing an incident is familiar with the plan and can act effectively.
- Document Results: Documenting results of every exercise and training helps identifying areas of improvement and registers the progress.
- Constant improvement: Use the results of exercises to continuously improve and update the response plan as needed. Incorporate new threats and risks as they arise and ensure the plan remains current and relevant.
Prevent incidents with strict incident management
In short, incident management is a critical process for any organization looking to minimize the impact of disruptions and ensure business continuity. By being prepared, having a plan and executing that plan effectively, organizations can respond quickly and effectively to incidents and minimize the impact on operations and reputation.
OpenSight Summer Series
During the OpenSight Summer Series, we publish weekly blogs that elaborate on the following topics:
- Risk management
- Engagement and training
- Asset management
- Architecture and configuration
- Vulnerability management
- Identity and access management
- Information security
- Logging and monitoring
- Incident management
- Supply chain security
By implementing the security measures outlined in these 10 steps, organizations can reduce the likelihood of cyberattacks and reduce the impact of potential incidents. Learn more about the OpenSight Summer Series here!
Robust logging and comprehensive security monitoring
Geplaatst op: 8 January 2024
By designing systems with incident detection and investigation in mind, implementing robust logging and having a comprehensive security monitoring and incident response strategy, the security and resilience of systems can be improved and the impact of security incidents minimized.
It’s important to have a security monitoring strategy, in order to effectively detect and investigate incidents. This includes actively analyzing logs and other data sources to identify patterns or behaviors that may indicate a security incident. By monitoring systems this way, potential threats can be identified and reacted to quickly, minimizing the impact of security incidents.
In addition to monitoring, it’s important to have incident response procedures in place. This includes defining roles and responsibilities, establishing communication channels and creating a plan for controlling and mitigating security incidents. Having these procedures in place allows one to respond quickly to incidents and minimize their impact on systems and the organization.
The implementation of robust logging and security monitoring has multiple advantages, such as:
- Improved situational awareness: Good logging provides a comprehensive overview of system activity and usage, so you can better understand how relevant systems are being used and identify potential security risks.
- Early detection of threats: Monitoring allows one to actively analyze logs and other data sources to detect patterns or behaviors that may indicate a security risk, so that incidents can be detected and responded to before they escalate.
- Additional layer of defense: Security monitoring introduces an additional layer of defense for systems, offers an early warning system for potential security incidents and helps staying ahead of evolving threats with taking robust logging in mind.
- Effective reaction on incidents: By actively monitoring systems for logging, you can react quickly to early signs of breaches before they can cause significant damage.

How to develop a an effective logging and monitoring strategy for your organization
- Understand the objective: When it comes to logging and monitoring, it’s important to start by understanding the objectives. Think about the context of the system, the threats confronting the organization and the resources available to a company. Based on this information organizations can decide which level of monitoring is appropriate for their system.
- Adjust the monitoring strategy: Adjust the monitoring strategy to the specific needs of the organization. For example, if the organization is exposed to frequent cyberattacks, it may need to invest in security operations that can detect and respond to sophisticated attacks. On the other hand, if you have limited resources, simply collecting logs in the event of a data breach incident may be the most appropriate approach for the organization.
- Responding to incidents: Regardless of the level of monitoring chosen by an organization, the ability to react to incidents must be top priority. To do this effectively, logs and other data with crucial information in case of an incident should be collected.
- Proactive and watchful: The key to effective registration and intensive care is being proactive and watchful. By regularly reviewing and refining logging and monitoring practices, organizations can stay ahead of evolving threats and respond quickly to security incidents.
Ensuring that logs can be accessed and analyzed as needed
- Fast Access: It’s important to know where logs are stored and to have the right access to be able to search through them. In case of an incident you’ll be able to get to relevant log data quickly.
- Storage policy: It’s also important to ensure that logs are stored long enough to answer questions being asked during an incident. How long you keep log data can vary by source, depending on factors such as storage costs and availability and usability of different data types. Be sure to plan storage space to avoid disk overflow and service failure.
- Regularity: By regularly checking your logging systems, you can be confident that your logs capture the data you need.
- Protection: It’s important to protect logs from tampering to ensure that they accurately reflect what happened. For example, by taking measures to prevent unauthorized access and modification so that logs provide a reliable record of events.
Integrating insights from real incidents in monitoring solutions
By integrating insights from real incidents into logging and monitoring solutions, you can identify gaps in the logging and monitoring strategy and improve the systems’ ability to detect and respond to security incidents. Analyzing previous incidents can deliver valuable information about attack patterns and strategies that are being used by threats. By incorporating these insights into surveillance solutions, organizations can strengthen security and reduce the impact of future incidents.
In short…
To improve the security and resilience of systems, organizations must consider incident detection and investigation in their design. This includes implementing robust logging and a comprehensive security monitoring and incident response strategy. By actively monitoring logs and other data sources, organizations can quickly identify and respond to potential threats. Overall, this approach helps minimize the impact of security incidents and improve the security and resilience of systems.
OpenSight Summer Series
During the OpenSight Summer Series, we publish weekly blogs that elaborate on the following topics:
- Risk management
- Engagement and training
- Asset management
- Architecture and configuration
- Vulnerability management
- Identity and access management
- Information security
- Logging and monitoring
- Incident management
- Supply chain security
By implementing the security measures outlined in these 10 steps, organizations can reduce the likelihood of cyberattacks and reduce the impact of potential incidents. Learn more about the OpenSight Summer Series here!
Data Security – Secure vulnerable data
Geplaatst op: 8 January 2024
In this digital age it’s crucial to protect data against unauthorized access, alteration, or removal. This requires implementation of data security protocols during transfer and at rest, effective end-of-life remediation procedures, and consideration of data security measures and third-party warranties. It is also important to protect your systems from the increasing wave of ransomware attacks. From isolated and current to offline backups, this blog will show you how organizations are implementing a comprehensive data security framework.
Benefits of data security
Data security is important because it makes sure sensitive information stays protected against possible threats such as hackers or malware. It provides peace of mind by ensuring that data can be quickly restored in the event of a failure or outage. This can happen, for example, if a system is attacked by a virus or if the server on which the data is stored breaks down. By making regular backups and storing them in a secure location, access to critical data can be quickly restored even if the original data is lost. It is also important to secure old or reused storage media to prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands, even after it has been deleted.
Best practices for protecting information and vulnerable data
- Identify the risks: To protect data effectively, it’s crucial to identify the risks and implement appropriate protection. Start with identifying which data is present, where it is stored, and which data is most sensitive. Consolidate data where possible and avoid storing unnecessary data. If you replicate or cache data, make sure all copies are adequately protected. Distributed data, such as files on users’ desktops, can be easier for attackers to find and harder to control.
- Secured, coded, and authenticated application protocols for data security: Ensure that data is properly protected in transit by using secure, encrypted and authenticated application protocols. Where necessary, use virtual private networks (VPNs) for network layer encryption. Apply physical and logical access controls to protect data at rest, including disk encryption on laptops and removable media. Use file encryption and digital rights management (DRM) solutions to restrict access to data, especially when data must be shared externally.
- Standardized cryptographic algorithms for data security: To properly protect data, it is important to use current standardized cryptographic algorithms. Old or non-standardized algorithms offer less protection and may provide a false sense of security. Ensure that cryptographic materials, such as certificates and keys, are protected from unauthorized access.
- Define interfaces for data security: Define interfaces for data security that allow access to sensitive information and only expose the necessary functionalities to reduce the chance of abuse by attackers. Limit access to bulk datasets and allow users to perform arbitrary queries on sensitive datasets only if there is a legitimate business need and it is carefully controlled.
- Get third-party guarantees for data security: Get third-party guarantees for data security if you rely on others to protect your data, such as with cloud services or in your supplier. Understand what steps you can take to protect your data and seek third-party assurances. Consider your legal responsibilities, including any regulations that apply to your industry.

Best practices for effective data backups for Data Security
Making a back-up of information and data is essential for data security. That way, an organization can recover more quickly after incidents or cyberattacks. Follow these best practices to ensure that back-ups are effective and reliable:
- Determine what data is essential to the business and ensure that it is backed up regularly. This includes business data as well as any configuration data necessary for the operation of the business systems.
- Store multiple backups of important files in different locations. That means you should have at least 3 copies of the data stored on 2 different devices, with at least 1 copy in a remote location.
- Keep an offline backup separate from the internal network or in a cloud service designed for this purpose. Restrict access to credentials and servers used for backups to prevent attackers from targeting the backups.
- Keep backups over a period rather than a single rolling backup. This provides better protection if a virus or damage to the system goes undetected before the backup is overwritten.
- Test backups regularly to ensure they are effective and reliable. Make sure you know how to restore files from a backup before you actually need to.
- Reduce the risk of reinfection when restoring data from backups by reinstalling executable files from trusted sources rather than restoring from a backup. Make sure operating systems and application software are up to date on the target systems and that files are scanned with up-to-date antivirus software when they are restored.
Proper sanitization ensures that sensitive data is securely and permanently deleted
- It’s important to have an extensive policy for the correct treatment of data and information when it’s no longer being used. This policy should address reusage, reparation, removal and destruction of all storage media and devices that are able to store data. Printers, photocopiers, monitors and TVs are also part of this.
- Ensure that redundant data and information get erased safely and permanently. Failure to clean storage media puts the organization at greater risk of data breaches, which can lead to legal and reputational damage.
- When purchasing devices, it’s important to keep in mind the costs and efforts involved in sanitizing data storage devices and/or media when they are no longer needed.
- In some cases, destruction is the only option. In such cases, remember to remove any labels or markings on the device or indicating the nature of the data even before the device is destroyed.
- The procedures and equipment for sanitization and destruction should be monitored and tested regularly to ensure they are effective and comply with relevant laws and regulations.
In short…
Robust backup and security policies are critical for organizations to ensure data security and increase confidence in recovery. By implementing best practices for data security and backup procedures, regardless of where the data resides, you as an organization ensure that your backups are reliable and effective. In the event of any incidents, this will help you recover a lot faster.
OpenSight Summer Series
During the OpenSight Summer Series, we publish weekly blogs that elaborate on the following topics:
- Risk management
- Engagement and training
- Asset management
- Architecture and configuration
- Vulnerability management
- Identity and access management
- Information security
- Logging and monitoring
- Incident management
- Supply chain security
By implementing the security measures outlined in these 10 steps, organizations can reduce the likelihood of cyberattacks and reduce the impact of potential incidents. Learn more about the OpenSight Summer Series here!