
Developing an ISO 27001-compliant integrated framework for internal controls

Geplaatst op: 12 April 2024

For organizations striving for ISO 27001 certification, developing and implementing an integrated internal framework is a crucial step. This framework ensures that internal controls are seamlessly integrated into daily business processes, making them an essential part of the organization’s normal operations. But how do you tackle this and integrate existing control mechanisms?

What is an integrated framework for internal controls?

Let’s first define what we mean by an integrated framework for internal controls, before going into the integration of existing controls. This is basically a set of controls that are implemented in the business processes, incorporating them as an essential part of the daily activities of the organization.

Main frameworks for information security

Several frameworks are available to help organizations integrate controls. Some well-known examples are COSO, COBIT and ISO/IEC 27001. These frameworks provide guidance on identifying, implementing and maintaining effective internal control measures.

Approach to setting up an ISO 27001 framework

The approach to setting up an ISO 27001 framework largely follows the principles of COSO, with a strong focus on risk assessment and implementing policies, procedures and control activities. ISO 27001 certification focuses not only on implemented controls, but also on setting up an information security management system (ISMS).

Integration of existing control frameworks

For organizations that already have control frameworks in place, it’s important to integrate this framework with the requirements of ISO 27001. Full utilization of the existing framework is strongly recommended, as it minimizes effort and facilitates management acceptance.

Approach to integration

Make the most of what is already implemented in your organization

It is essential to make full use of the existing frameworks. It would be a shame to ignore the investments in the current control framework. It is advisable to use the ISO 27001 Annex A control set as a guide, considering all relevant controls and implementing them if applicable. Appropriate Governance Risk and Compliance tooling can also help you in putting the initial structure in place. This simplifies the performance, monitoring and reporting of control tasks and ensures unambiguous communication on controls.

Do a mapping based on a GAP analysis

By comparing the existing control framework with the ISO 27001 control set at the control test/supervisory level, GAPs can be identified. This simplifies the process of aligning existing controls with the ISO 27001 control set.

Filling in following your GAP analysis

Where the existing framework shows GAPs against the ISO 27001 control set, new controls should be defined and implemented. The aim is to ensure that all risks are adequately addressed by the control framework, this supports the functioning of the ISMS.

Management buy-in and the benefits of integration

Keeping the existing framework simplifies management acceptance and facilitates the integration of controls into business processes. Moreover, a GAP analysis at the internal testing/supervisory levels helps identify gaps in the information security policy and ISMS, enabling continuous improvement.

In conclusion, developing an ISO 27001-compliant integrated internal controls framework is a crucial step for organizations striving to achieve a high level of information security and certification in line with international standards. By integrating existing control frameworks and continuously striving for improvement, organizations can build a solid foundation for effective information security and risk management.

Need more information or help developing an ISO 27001-compliant integrated framework for internal controls?

Then contact us, no commitment necessary. At OpenSight, we are happy to help!

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How to get an ISO 27001 certificate

Geplaatst op: 31 August 2022

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We regularly get questions about the ISO 27001 certification. In this article, we explain what an ISO 27001 certificate is, why it is valuable to obtain this certification and how to get it.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization, a global institute that develops standards for products and systems. The ISO 27001 certificate is an international standard for information security. It describes how organizations can secure information in a process-oriented way. The goal? Ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of vulnerable details within an organization.

Why an ISO 27001 certificate?

Why an ISO 27001 certificate? For many organizations, data is essential. Necessary steps such as optimizing crucial processes and improving customer experience are often made based on this data. Having to deal with a data breach or failure can have a massive impact on the organization. This makes it all the more important that third parties such as service providers and suppliers handle data responsibly: how do they guarantee information security? ISO 27001 provides an answer to that question.

When customers have specific security requirements, an ISO 27001 certification helps to build trust. This certification shows that you comply with independent security policies and measures. In short, the ISO 27001 certificate shows that your company handles data responsibly.

hand typing on laptop
How to get an ISO 27001 certificate

Who is the ISO 27001 for?

Every organization uses and processes personal data. But the impact of a data breach or failure varies from organization to organization. Working by ISO 27001 standards, you prove that you minimize the risk of data loss, damage or leakage within your organization. Do you work with personal data and sensitive customer data? Then you should definitely consider to get an ISO 27001 certificate. The financial, healthcare and IT sector are good examples of the sectors that will need ISO 27001 accreditation by 2022. But make no mistake, with the increasing risks regarding cyber security, an ISO 27001 can make a big difference for every organization that works with data.

How do I obtain an ISO 27001 certificate?

An ISO 27001 certification is tested by accredited organizations. This is done through a certification audit. In this audit, the auditor tests the design and operation of the management system and the implemented measures. So, before you start the audit you want to ensure that your management systems meet all the requirements. But don’t make it more complex than it is. Although there are strict requirements management systems must meet, they must fit your organization. Therefore, start by designing a management system that fits your business operations and goals. More information on what to look for can be found here.

Why OpenSight ?

For an ISO certification process to be successful, the management system must be a good fit with the business operations and reduce the operational impact. With over ten years of experience, our team has already helped hundreds of organizations set up and implement various ISO standards. We believe that people are central in this process. Our consultants provide pragmatic advice and support in designing and implementing policies and measures. This makes projects a lot easier, answering any technical questions you may have. If you choose OpenSight, you are assured of the technical support and knowledge your organization needs.

Other benefits:

  • Technical consulting, implementation and maintenance; all-in-one.
  • A pragmatic approach with attention to people and business.
  • Flexible input allows you to set the pace yourself.
  • Personal support with the technical implementation of security measures.

Want to be advised? Conntact us directly or request a quote.

Download our ISO 27001 brochure

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