
What different types of hackers are there?

Geplaatst op: 27 December 2023

Verschillende soorten hackers

There are a lot of different definitions of the word ‘hacker’ available on the internet. The most commonly accepted definition of hacker is the following: a person who uses computers to get access to data in somebody else’s computer or phone system (without permission). Of course, there are different degrees of hacking and there’s also a difference in what kind of hackers there are. For example, there are hackers who don’t mean to inflict any harm, but do fall under the definition of ‘hacker’. This blog will tell you more about the different types of hackers.

Different types of hackers and their characteristics

In a previous blog on our website you could read more about the different forms of hacking and how you can protect yourself against these cyber-attacks. But every hacker works differently. Below is an overview of the different types of hackers that exist and how they operate.

Different types of hackers

Black Hat Hackers

First on this list are the black hat hackers. This kind of hacker hacks networks and systems in order to steal personal data, to inflict harm or to carry out any other illegal activity. The phrase ‘black hat’ refers to the fact that these types of hackers usually operate outside the law and don’t follow any moral codes that apply to legal hacking activities. Black hat hackers often use malware to infect computers or to phish users. Another approach these hackers often use is hacking websites to steal personal and/or sensitive data. The main goal of these hackers? Profit. Black hat hackers sell data and sensitive information of others on the dark web.

White Hat Hackers

On the other end of the spectrum we find the ‘white hat hacker’. These hackers are a lot ‘friendlier’ than the black hat hackers. These hackers, also known as ‘ethical hackers’, hack systems and networks for the purpose of detecting and resolving security vulnerabilities. This can be done with and without the consent of the company or organisation that is getting hacked. The term ‘white hat’ refers to the fact that these hackers, as opposed to the black hat hackers, do follow the rules of the law and adhere to the moral codes that are associated with it. For example, white hat hackers are often called in to help companies with security testing or they work with the government to detect security vulnerabilities. These hackers are professional security experts that are concerned with testing systems to see if they are vulnerable to attack. White hat hackers’ activities are focused on improving security and preventing cybercrime, rather than on making profit or harming systems.

Blue Hat Hackers

Blue hat hackers are kind of like white hat hackers. These hackers are hired by an organization or company to conduct a security assessment of their computer systems, networks and websites. The goal? Identify and fix weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system so that companies are more resistant to attacks from malicious hackers. A Blue Hat Hacker is generally an ethical hacker. By that we mean they use their skills and expertise to improve security rather than harm or steal information.

Green Hat Hackers

Green hat hackers are the rookies of the whole bunch. This type of hacker just started learning about hacking and computer security. They oftentimes focus more on gaining knowledge and improving their skills than engaging in cybercrime. Green hat hackers are seen as the group in the middle: often morally grey and not as skilled as both the white hat hackers and the black hat hackers.

Script Kiddies

Last on the list of popular hackers are the script kiddies. Script kiddies are a type of hackers that use pre-existing tools and scripts, often without a full understanding of how they work, to attack computer systems and networks. They’re called “script kiddies” because they rely on scripts and tools written by others instead of on their own expertise. This is exactly why they usually aren’t taken very seriously as hackers, or at least, the degree to which they pose a threat. This group of hackers are often students and/or teenagers.

Protect your data

There are a lot of ways to get hacked. That is why it’s of importance to protect your accounts, systems and network against the different forms of hacking. As you can read in this article, there are also ethical hackers and security experts that you can call in to test the security of your company.

If you want to know more about hackers, types of hacking or need help with the security of your company, please contact one of our experts!

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